1Rasulullah bersabda : “ adalah nabi yang sebelumku
diutus hanya kepada kaumnya, sedangkan aku diutus kepada manusia semuanya”
(Mutaffaq Alaih dari hadist jabir bin abdullah)
None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever Living, the One Who
sustains and protecs all the exists. It is Who has sent down the Book (Al
Quran) to you with the truth, confirming what came before it, and He sent
down the Taurat (Torah) & the Injil (Gospel)."(Surah Ali
Imran: 2-3) "And We have
sent down to you the Book (Al Quran)as an exposition of everything,
have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims)." (Surah
an-Nahl: 89)
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